The state describes all data of your application. On the client-side state describe UI state, data load from the server, user’s local changes. On the server-side state is what you have in the database.

Client State

  • Logux Redux uses event sourcing pattern on client-side. Actions describe the current state. State object is just an cache.

    The developer provides reducer. The reducer has an initial state ([] in this example) and describes how to change the current state on this action:

    export default function usersReducer (state = [], action) {
      if (action.type === 'user/add') {
        return state.concat([action.user])
      } else if (action.type === 'user/remove') {
        return state.filter(user => !== action.userId)

    The application combines reducers of each key in store:

    import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
    import usersReducer from './users'
    export default combineReducers({
      users: usersReducer

    This big reducers generate initial state during Logux Redux initialization:

    reducer(undefined, { type: '@@redux/INIT' }) //=> { users: [] }

    Then each action will change the state:

    const action = {
      type: 'user/add',
      user: { id: '7tEL8t', name: 'First' }
    reducer({ users: [] }, action) //=> { users: [{ id: '7tEL8t', name: 'First' }] }

    Each reducer must be a pure function (always return the same result on the same argument):

    1. It should create a new state object, not changing the old one.
    2. It should be state-less. It should work only with old state and action. You can not use localStorage or AJAX in the reducer.

    As a result, with a history of actions, you can always re-generate the same state. If you remove an action from the history, you can generate a different state. Logux uses it for reverting changes and edits conflict resolution.

    By default, Logux keeps last 1000 action (you can change it, see reasons chapter) and cache state every 50 actions to make time-travel faster.

    Client State and UI

  • Logux Redux generates big JS object as application state. We recommend to use some reactive UI library (React, Vue, Svelte, etc.) to render and change UI according to state changes:

    import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
    export const Users = ({ id }) => {
      const users = useSelector(state => state.users)
      return <>
        { => <User key={} user={user}>)}

    Often we need non-pure logic, and we can’t put it to a reducer. For instance, we need to change document.title on new error. For these cases, you need to set a listener for state changes:

    store.subscribe(() => {
      if (store.getState().errors.length) {
        document.title = '* Error'
      } else {
        document.title = 'OK'

    Server State

    By default, the server state is opposite to client state. Because server-side cache could be very big, the database is the single source of truth. You can use any database with Logux.

    Logux Server removes action after processing and always look to a database for the latest value. As a result, you can’t undo actions on the server.

    However, you can change this behavior and have event sourcing on the server too.

    Every time when client subscribes to some data, server go to database and send initial value:

  •'users/:id', {
      async load (ctx, action, meta) {
        let user = await db.loadUser(
        return { type: 'user/add', user }

    After initial subscribing, server will re-send changes to other clients:

  • server.type('users/add', {
      resend (ctx, action, meta) {
        return `users/${ action.userId }`

    After resending action, server will save data to database:

  • server.type('users/add', {
      async process (ctx, action, meta) {
        await db.insertUser(action.user)

    Time Travel

    Logux Client wrapper such as Logux Redux and Logux Vuex keeps old actions and old state values.

    This history allows them to do “time travel” recalculate state with different action order or without some action from the past. This feature is critical for conflict resolution (important for collaborative editing) and changes reverting (important for Optimistic UI).

    Be default, they keep last 1000 actions. You can change it or implemented more complex logic. See reasons chapter for details.

    Logux wrapper saves state every 50 actions. You can change it by saveStateEvery option in createStoreCreator function.

    In some cases 1000 action could be not enough for time travel. For instance, some client was offline for a few hours and only now send their actions to the server. In this case, client will receive very old actions and will not be able to revert history at that moment to put that client’s actions into the right moment of the history.

  • In this case, Logux Redux will time travel to latest possible moment. In most cases, it will be enough. If your application is critical for this changes, you have 2 options:

    1. Use reasons to make custom algorithm to keep actual action in the memory.

    2. Set onMissedHistory callback to process this cases:

      let store = createStoreCreator(client, {
        onMissedHistory (action) {
          if (CRITICAL_ACTIONS.includes(action.type)) {
            store.dispatch.sync({ type: 'reload/state' }) // Ask server for latest state

    Conflict Resolution

    If several users can work on the same document in your application, you need to think about conflict resolution. It is especially crucial for the offline-first application. However, because of network latency, online-only collaborative applications need conflict resolution too.

    There is no single solution for conflict resolution. It always depends on data type and business processes. Logux gives you few basements to not care about conflict resolutions in simple cases and write custom logic in complicated situations.

    Logux Redux and Logux Vuex uses time travel to keep the same order of actions on all machines. It uses ID and time from meta to detect order and time travel to insert action in the right moment of history. Time travel is a technique when Logux Redux reverts recent actions, apply new action, and then re-apply recent actions.

    As a result, if the developer used atomic actions, conflict actions will override each other (“the last write wins” model). In complicated cases, you can define merge logic in reducers.

    By default, Server doesn’t use time travel, because the average state can’t be stored in the memory. You need manually compare action’s time and latest change time to implement “last write wins.” Similarly, you can implement any other conflict resolution logic.

  • server.type('users/rename', {
      async process (ctx, action, meta) {
        const user = await db.getUser(action.userId)
        if (isFirstOlder(user.nameChangedAt, meta)) {
          user.nameChangedAt = meta

    Reverting Changes

    Optimistic UI is excellent to improve your website performance. Instead of showing loader during saving, you allow a user to move to the next task. However, you need to think about two cases: offline and server error.

    Offline support is easy in Logux. Logux will keep unsaved actions in the log and synchronize them later.

    But processing server error is more complicated. Another reducer can already change the data according to that document was saved, but after a few minutes server can send that user doesn’t have access to change this document.

    Logux Redux uses event sourcing to deal with this extreme case. In any moment server can send logux/undo action and client will revert changes of this action. Logux Redux will load the closest state snapshot and then re-apply all actions without reverted action.

    Logux servers send logux/undo in 3 cases:

    1. Access check didn’t pass.
    2. Error during action processing.
    3. A developer wrote custom code to add logux/undo action.
  • server.undo(action, meta, 'too late')