Logux has built-in TypeScript support. It exports type definitions. We even uses type tests with check-dts since we have some tricky types with generics.


We recommend to use typescript-fsa and share actions between client and server.

// client/actions/users.ts

import { actionCreatorFactory } from 'typescript-fsa'

let createAction = actionCreatorFactory()

export const renameUser = createAction<{
  userId: string,
  name: string
// modules/users/index.ts

import type { BaseServer } from '@logux/server'

import { renameUser } from '../../client/actions/users'

export default (server: BaseServer) => {
  server.type(renameUser, {
    access (ctx, action, meta) {
      // TypeScript will know that action must have `userId` key
      return action.payload.userId === ctx.userId

You can define types for ctx.params in subscriptions:

  type UserParams = {
    id: string

  server.channel<UserParams>('user/:id', {
    access (ctx, action, meta) {
      return ctx.params.id === ctx.userId


  • We recommend to use typescript-fsa or similar library for typed action creators.

    // actions/users.ts
    import { actionCreatorFactory } from 'typescript-fsa'
    export const renameUser = createAction<{
      userId: string,
      name: string
    // reducers/user.ts
    import { renameUser } from '../actions/users'
    type User = {
      id: string,
      name: string
    export type UsersState = User[]
    function reducer (state: UsersState = [], action: Action): UsersState {
      if (renameUser.match(action)) {
        return state.map(user => {
          if (user.id === action.payload.userId) {
            return { ...user, name: action.payload.name }
          } else {
            return user
      return state
    // store.ts
    import { UserRenameAction } from '../actions/users'
    import { PostAddAction } from '../actions/users'
    import { UsersState } from '../reducers/users'
    import { PostsState } from '../reducers/users'
    export type State = {
      posts: PostsState,
      user: UsersState
    export type Actions = UserRenameAction ||
    let client = new CrossTabClient({ … })
    let createStore = createStoreCreator(client, { … })
    let store = createStore<State, Actions>(reducer)