Logux uses the peer-to-peer model. There is no big difference between client and server. This is why we call both client and server “nodes”.

If a user opens a website with Logux in multiple browser tabs, tabs will elect one leader, and only this leader will keep the connection. If the user closes the leader tab, tabs will re-elect a new leader.

Logux Core provides BaseNode class, which will synchronize actions between two nodes. ClientNode and ServerNode classes extend this class with small behaviour changes.

  • const client = new CrossTabClient({ … })
    const createStore = createStoreCreator(client, { … })
    const store = createStore(reducer)
    store.client.node //=> ClientNode instance

    See also BaseNode for node’s API.

    Node ID

    Each node has a unique node ID — a string like 380:Uf_pPwE4:6K7iYdJH or server:iSiqWU5J.

    Current node ID of client:

  • store.client.nodeId //=> "380:Uf_pPwE4:6K7iYdJH"

    Current node ID of server:

  • server.nodeId //=> "server:iSiqWU5J"

    Node ID uses user ID, client ID, and random string by Nano ID to be unique.

    In server:iSiqWU5J:

    1. server is the user ID. Only servers can uses this user ID.
    2. iSiqWU5J is random string by Nano ID.

    In 380:Uf_pPwE4:6K7iYdJH:

    1. 380 is the user ID.
    2. 380:Uf_pPwE4 is client ID. Each browser tab has a unique node ID, but every browser tab in this browser will have the same client ID.
    3. 6K7iYdJH is tab ID. Each browser tab will have unique value.

    You can use parseId helper to get user ID and client ID from action ID or node ID.

    On the server you can get user ID and client ID of the client by:

  • server.type('INC', {
      access (ctx, action, meta) {
        ctx.userId   //=> "580"
        ctx.clientId //=> "580:Uf_pPwE4"
    server.channel('counter', {
      access (ctx, action, meta) {
        ctx.userId   //=> "580"
        ctx.clientId //=> "580:Uf_pPwE4"


    Nodes synchronize actions. You can read about actions in next chapter.

    Nodes need a store for these actions and action meta. By default client and server keep actions in memory. It is not a problem for server, because it saves data from actions to database.

    You can change action store. For instance, you can use indexedDB store for better offline support.

    import { IndexedStore } from '@logux/client'
    const client = new CrossTabClient({
      store: new IndexedStore(),


    By default, nodes use WebSocket to connect to each other. You just pass URL to the server:

    const client = new CrossTabClient({
      server: 'wss://example.com',

    By default, Logux forces you to use WebSocket over TLS (wss:) in production. It is important to fix the problem between WebSocket and old firewalls and routers. Encryption makes traffic looks like any keep-alive HTTPS connection.

    You can use WebSocket without encryption in development or with allowDangerousProtocol option.

    If you do not want to use WebSocket, you can implementation own Connection class and pass it to server option. For instance, you can use TestPair in tests:

    import { TestPair } from '@logux/core'
    const pair = new TestPair()
    const client = new CrossTabClient({
      server: pair.left,


    Node has current synchronization state. Possible values are disconnected, connecting, sending, and synchronized. You can get current state by:

  • store.client.state //=> "synchronized"
    store.client.on('state', () => {
      console.log(store.client.state) // Track state changes

    @logux/client/status provides useful syntax sugar around state with extra values:

    import { status } from '@logux/client'
    status(client, current => {
      if (current === 'protocolError') {
      } else if (current === 'syncError') {
        showError('Logux error')
      } else if (current === 'denied') {
        showError('You do not have rights for this changes')
      } else if (current === 'error') {
        showError('You changes was reverted by server')
      } else if (current === 'disconnected') {
        showWarning('You are offline')
      } else if (current === 'wait') {
        showWarning('You have changes which are waiting for Internet')
      } else if (current === 'connectingAfterWait') {
        showWarning('We are saving your changes from offline')
      } else if (current === 'synchronizedAfterWait') {
        showWarning('Your changes was saved')
      } else if (current === 'connecting') {
        showWarning('Connecting to the server')
      } else if (current === 'synchronized') {
        showWarning('You are online')

    Cross-Tab Communication

    In the web, user can open multiple browser tabs with the same website. In Logux only one browser tab will keep WebSocket connection with a server. All other tabs will use this connection. It keeps the same state in all tabs and save server resources.

    When you open 2 browser tabs, they start election and elect the leader. If you will close leader tab, other tabs will detect it and start election again.

    You can use role to detect the current leader. Possible values are leader, follower, and candidate (during the election).

  • store.client.role //=> "leader"
    store.client.on('role', () => {
      console.log(store.client.role) // Track role changes

    Each browser tab will have unique node ID, but they all have the same client ID. The server responses to all browsers tab, because multiple browser tabs can use one connection. You can do it by using client ID as an address.

    In 380:Uf_pPwE4:6K7iYdJH node ID, 380:Uf_pPwE4 is client ID and 6K7iYdJH is tab ID.

  • store.client.clientId //=> "380:Uf_pPwE4"
    store.client.tabId //=> "6K7iYdJH"

    Browser tabs can synchronize actions between each other. Actions from server and for the server (with meta.sync = true) are sharing between browser tabs by default.


    The client should use some token to prove it’s user ID. The best way is to use JWT token generated on the server.

    const client = new CrossTabClient({
      userId: localStorage.getItem('userId') || 'anonymous',
      token: localStorage.getItem('userToken') || '',

    User ID and token will be checked on the server:

  • server.auth(({ userId, token }) => {
      const data = await jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET)
      return data.sub === userId