If you already have Redux application, this guide will help you to add Logux Redux to project. Logux Redux can work with any UI framework. We will use React only as an example.

If you are starting new project use special guide.


Before starting the client, you need to create Logux Server:

Adding Logux Redux

Install Logux Redux:

  • npm i @logux/core @logux/client @logux/redux

    Find store definition in your project. Look for createStore function call. Often you can find it at src/index.js or src/store/index.js.

    import { createStore } from 'redux'
    import { CrossTabClient } from '@logux/client'
    import { createStoreCreator } from '@logux/redux'
    const client = new CrossTabClient({
      server: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
        ? 'ws://localhost:31337'
        : 'wss://logux.example.com',
      subprotocol: '1.0.0',
      userId: 'anonymous',  // TODO: We will fill it in Authentication recipe
      token: ''  // TODO: We will fill it in Authentication recipe
    const createStore = createStoreCreator(client)
    const store = createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer)

    Synchronization UI

    To see the state of the synchronization process, we will add some helpers. They are all optional, but they are great for a start.

    Install Logux Client:

  • npm i @logux/client

    Use helpers where you create the store.

    import { createStoreCreator } from '@logux/redux'
    import { badge, badgeEn, log } from '@logux/client'
    import { badgeStyles } from '@logux/client/badge/styles'
    badge(store.client, { messages: badgeEn, styles: badgeStyles })

    Check the Result

    1. Open three terminals.
    2. Start your Logux server in one terminal by npm start in server directory.
    3. Start your back-end server in the second terminal.
    4. Start your client in the third terminal by npm start in client directory.

    If badge style doesn’t fit your website style, you can always tweak it or replace with your component. See badge() and status() API.