Example implementation of a real-time table with pagination.
This table supports all CRUD operations.
Using typesafe actions
As recommended in the logux TypeScript recipe, we use typescript-fsa
to share actions between client and server:
import { actionCreatorFactory } from 'typescript-fsa'
export const createAction = actionCreatorFactory()
export const loadPlayersPageAction = createAction<{
page: number
export const playersPageLoadedAction =
export const createPlayerAction = createAction<Player>('players/create')
export const playerCreatedAction = createAction<{
player: Player
senderClientId: string
export const updatePlayerAction = createAction<Player>('players/update')
export const deletePlayerAction =
createAction<{ id: string }>('players/delete')
export const playerDeletedAction = createAction<{
id: string
senderClientId: string
Fetching data with pagination
To get data by pages from the server, we use 2 actions: loadPlayersPageAction
and playersPageLoadedAction
The first one is sent from the client:
client.sync(loadPlayersPageAction({ page }))
The server handles it and sends back the playersPageLoadedAction
server.type(loadPlayersPageAction, {
async access() {
async process(ctx, action) {
const playersPage = await getPlayersPage(action.payload.page)
await ctx.sendBack(playersPageLoadedAction(playersPage))
Note that the action playersPageLoadedAction
is sent back to the same client, and other clients don't receive it.
The client handles the playersPageLoadedAction
by updating the respective states:
client.type(playersPageLoadedAction, action => {
This could happen if we, for example,
had 2 pages and tried to get page 2,
but during that time the page 2 was deleted
and the server returned: page = 2, totalPages = 1.
In this case, instead of showing an empty page
to the user, we update the page:
if (
action.payload.page > action.payload.totalPages &&
action.payload.totalPages > 0
) {
loadPlayersPageAction({ page: action.payload.totalPages })
Creating a new item
From the client, we send createPlayerAction
to the server.
The server handles the action and sends playerCreatedAction
to all clients that are subscribed to the players
server.type(createPlayerAction, {
async access() {
async process(ctx, action) {
const player = await createPlayer(action.payload)
// Notify all clients so that they can update UI
await server.process(
senderClientId: ctx.clientId
server.type(playerCreatedAction, {
async access() {
return false
resend() {
On the client, if we can add the new item to the current page (for example, the current page has 4 elements and we display 5 element per page), then we update the table using Optimistic UI:
client.sync(createPlayerAction(player)).catch(() => {
if (players.length < PER_PAGE) {
// Update the table right away
setPlayers(data => [...data, player])
However, if we can't add a new item to the current page (for example, the current page has 5 elements out of 5 and we have 2 pages in total), then we need to request the current page again after adding the item, in order to properly update the total number of pages that might have changed after a new item was added:
// Handle `playerCreatedAction` that was sent from the server
// by updating the current page
client.sync(loadPlayersPageAction({ page }))
Deleting an item
Upon deletion, we send deletePlayerAction
to the server and immediately update the table with Optimistic UI:
setPlayers(data => data.filter(x => x.id !== player.id))
client.sync(deletePlayerAction({ id: player.id })).catch(() => {
The server handles the action and sends playerDeletedAction
to all clients that are subscribed to the players
server.type(deletePlayerAction, {
async access() {
async process(ctx, action) {
await deletePlayer(action.payload.id)
// Notify all clients so that they can update UI
await server.process(
id: action.payload.id,
senderClientId: ctx.clientId
server.type(playerDeletedAction, {
async access() {
return false
resend() {
After the client receives the playerDeletedAction
, it needs to update the current page in order to get actual page data that might have changed after deletion of an element:
// Refresh the current page
client.sync(loadPlayersPageAction({ page }))
Updating an item
To update the data, we send updatePlayerAction
to the server and update UI right away:
setPlayers(data =>
data.map(player => (player.id === edited.id ? edited : player))
The server handles the action and resends it to all clients subscribed to the players
server.type(updatePlayerAction, {
async access() {
async process(ctx, action, meta) {
const player = await findPlayer(action.payload.id)
if (!player || isFirstOlder(meta, player.updatedAt.toString())) {
await updatePlayer(action.payload)
resend() {
When a client receives this action from the server, it checks to see if this action was initiated by it (by comparing clientId), and if so, it means that UI has already been updated and the action can be ignored. Otherwise, the client updates the UI:
client.type(updatePlayerAction, (action, meta) => {
if (client.clientId === parseId(meta.id).clientId) {
setPlayers(prev =>
prev.map(x => (x.id === action.payload.id ? action.payload : x))