
  • To make tests easy, we suggest to split server logic into modules. Each module will be a function, which will receive server instance.

    // modules/posts/index.js
    module.exports = server => {
      server.type('posts/add', {
 'posts', { … })

    In the server you will load modules and apply to the server:

    // index.js
    const { Server } = require('@logux/server')
    const postsModule = require('./modules/posts')
    let server = new Server(…)

    You can use any test framework, but we will show examples with Jest.

  • npm i --dev jest

    Now we can write unit test for server’s module:

    // modules/posts/index.test.js
    const { TestServer } = require('@logux/server')
    const postsModule = require('.')
    let destroyable
    afterEach(() => {
      if (destroyable) destroyable.destroy()
    function createServer () {
      destroyable = new TestServer()
      return destroyable
    it('creates and loads posts', () => {
      const server = createServer()
      const client1 = await server.connect('1')
      const post = { … }
      // Check that action will not return error
      await client1.process({ type: 'posts/add', post })
      // Check that other client will load new user
      expect(await client2.subscribe('posts')).toEqual([
        { type: 'posts/add', post }
      const action = { type: 'posts/rename', … }
      // Check that server will re-send action to subscribed clients
      expect(await client2.collect(async () => {
        await client1.process(action)

    There are special API to test authenticator:

    // modules/auth/index.test.js
    const { TestServer, TestClient } = require('@logux/server')
    const authModule = require('.')
    let destroyable
    afterEach(() => {
      if (destroyable) destroyable.destroy()
    function createServer () {
      destroyable = new TestServer()
      return destroyable
    it('checks token', () => {
      const server = createServer()
      await server.connect('1', { token: 'good' })
      expect(() => {
        await server.connect('2', { token: 'bad' })
        error: 'Wrong credentials'

    Now you can run tests by:

    npx jest

    See TestServer and TestClient APIs for available methods.

    You can enable server log during the test debugging.

    it.only('creates and loads posts', () => {
      const server = createServer({ reporter: 'human })